Daniel Ashman
1 min readMay 25, 2021


6 Ways The Bitcoin Mining Meeting was Stupid

  1. Billionaires met in secret to decide a plan for Bitcoin. On its face, we know this is sketch.
  2. It cucks to “green” energy. It’s not actually green though. It’s just some stupid fiat and Communist scamster nonsense. It thus accepts and promotes a core enemy narrative.
  3. Even if this is just “marketing to stop FUD” some people will take it at face value and they will think “oh wow, guess green energy really is important. And look thank goodness for Mike Saylor and Elon Musk. They saved Bitcoin.”
  4. Musk and Saylor are late to Bitcoin. When it was worth nothing, they were getting free FED money and chilling, and now all of a sudden that it’s worth a lot, they are the ones to save Bitcoin? They are telling Bitcoiners that Bitcoin needs clean energy? Fuck this.
  5. It cucks to Elon Musk who exposed himself recently via his Tweets as a narcissist clown who doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
  6. It prioritizes short term price pumping over long term values like truth and defeating Communist global warming FUD. Did this happen because with the price down Saylor is under pressure to sell and scared and he needs price to move up fast? Corporate life?

